It’s OK To Plan Your One Next Step

Sometimes, it’s perfectly ok to just plan your one next step.

The highs are high, and the lows can be lower right now.

Break your tasks down more than usual.

If you know you need to make 10 sales calls this week, and it seems daunting, here are some pre-money moves:

  • Schedule a session with your coach and ask for support with sales.
  • Schedule time in your calendar to follow up your leads.
  • Schedule in 15 minutes a day to meditate.

Block out time in your calendar FOR the sales calls to make sure you have childcare, (or can plan for children to be distracted), quiet alone time, anything else you need for a successful call.

Set yourself up for success.

Sometimes you could just be blocked because sales calls equal pain right now.

What do you need to do to make sure your future client can book in smoothly and receive all of your attention during their call?

Are you ready to create & scale an incredible online community? Join us for free and let’s get started! Jump in here.

kat abianac.


kat abianac.